

Dear FBCBC Family,

For some time now, God has been weaving together our Sunday School lessons, music services and BK’s messages. Can you hear it? Can you see it? Can you feel it? For sure we do not want to miss anything He is doing in and amongst us. It’s all because He loves us.

“My King is Known by Love”
Some are known by great authority
For kingdoms as far as eyes can see.
In royal robes, they rule from thrones
Waging war, they overthrow the weak and call it Victory.

My King is known by Mercy.
My King is known by Grace.
For The Hope in His Name
and the Power that saves.
My King is known by the Cross.
My King is known by an empty grave.
O, and all gave His Life for me.
He gave His Life for me.

A Love that welcomes everyone
as His daughters and His sons
And no one is ever turned away.

My King is know by Mercy.
My King is known by Grace.
For The Hope in His Name
and The Power that saves.
My King is known by The Cross.
My King is known by an empty grave.
O, and all that He does,
My King is known by Love.

Search for Your personal song or scripture to use in the midnight hour or anytime. Just find one!

Love, Billy & PammieK

P. S. Anyone interested in singing in the Easter program or service, please contact us.

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