
BK's Korner, 10/14/2024


I’m sitting here trying to decide what to write about in my article and I notice that I need to clean my fish tank. I know, sometimes I am easily distracted. However, it really does need cleaning. I usually take a little water out and put some freshwater in.  I wipe down the sides of the tank to remove any algae that has grown on the glass. I put some sort of “conditioner” in the water to neutralize the chemicals in it and make it more acceptable to the fish. I also use an algae killer to keep algae from growing on the glass. Then I will have a pretty fish tank. 

I was reminded then when Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not caring about the inside of their heart.  They only cared about what people saw. He said to them, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside may be clean also.” Matthew 23:25-26.

So many of us only worry about what people see of our lives.  We want to make certain they see the good in us. Jesus is saying that what really matters is the good in your heart. Jesus says that we need to clean up our hearts and not the life that people see. He said that a failure to do so makes us hypocrites and blind. 

We should make sure that we confess our sin to God. We need to strive to be close to Him. Meditate on His word. Pray often. Think about Him and His ways. We should strive to let His character, His love, grace, and mercy shine through us into the world. 

So, I need to clean the fish tank. I also need to clean out my heart. 

Be sure to thank God for what He is doing in our church. Thank Him for the many blessings of your life. Pray for our church and community. Pray for those carrying burdens.  Pray for others.

It is the fall season which means we are busy as a church.  Be sure to worship God and join in with the body for fellowship. 

Love and blessings to you all.

BK ><>

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