
BK's Korner, 9/16/2024

BK's Korner

Yesterday was another good day to be at The First Baptist Church in Bridge City. The Lord has been lifting our spirits in worship and speaking to our hearts through His Word.  He is also encouraging us through fellowship with other believers. We are growing in all aspects of our walk with God. That is very encouraging. 

Pumpkin season is upon us. The Pumpkins will be arriving on Saturday September 28 at 9 am.  I hope that you will plan to be here and help us unload pumpkins. It is hard work, but it is also a great time of fellowship. Please help us out. The Pumpkin Patch is a great ministry to our community.  We will also need help setting up the Pumpkin Patch this coming Saturday beginning at 8 am. Honestly, with enough help we are usually finished by around noon or a little after.  We need your help so please come.

This year I will need some help overseeing the Pumpkin Patch.  In years past, Robert Simonton has been the one who has helped me. Of course, you know that Bro Robert has gone to be with the Lord.  We are going to miss him immensely. Anyhow, I will need some help. This help includes opening and closing the Patch when I am unavailable. Could also include counting the money after the close and setting up the cash box for the next day. We could even work it out with a couple of people. If you can help me in this way then please let me know. 

Be sure to assist your Sunday School class/department in contacting those on your roster who have not been attending. The next step is to look around in the sanctuary on Sunday morning and see who needs to be in a Sunday School class and invite them. Inviting people to Sunday School will bring a rise in our attendance. 

Continue to pray for our community and our church. Pray for a “Holy Invasion” by God into our community, families, church, and our own individual lives. Ask Him to show Himself and His power to us. Ask Him to do unimaginable things. Things that we never thought possible. Then let us expect great things from Him. 

Blessings to you all
See you Saturday.
See you Sunday.

BK ><>

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