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The Fallacy of Tongues, Part II

This Sunday, we have returned to the Sermon Series "All In The Family" by considering Part 2 of 1 Corinthians 14:1-25. We have seen that Paul describes tongues as lesser gift and should only be used publicly to “build up” the local church. He has stated that if there is no interpreter, then the person should remain silent. By doing so, Paul is demonstrating that tongues is not uncontrolled utterances, but a gift which can be chosen to be used or not, like the other spiritual gifts. He has previously highlighted the fact that biblical tongues is an actual human language spoken in the presence of one who speaks that language in conjunction with an interpreter to translate for those present who do not. Otherwise, there is no value in the use of tongues other than self-edification. God is ever active at redeeming and transforming the heart of people. However, God does this through spoken words which enter through the mind. Unintelligible words offer no active redeeming and transforming work. We are not moved by words which we do not understand. Neither are those around us. We must be careful to not use our “tongues” of religious language in speaking Christ to those we interact. What language do they speak? The Gospel not understood is the Gospel not received. Let us choose wisely our words and manner in which we present the Gospel. Let us present a Gospel people can hear, understand, and receive.

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