Church Staff
Keith Royal, Pastor
Pastor Keith Royal accepted Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of 25 years old in 1986. He surrendered to Preach God’s Word soon thereafter. He began his pastoral ministry in 1989. He served at the Winfree Baptist Church in Orange, Texas for 21 years before retiring in 2016. Keith married his wife Cheryl in 1990 and they have three children. Keith’s desire is to communicate the truths of God’s Word in a very clearly understood way and with the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit. He loves to do mission work and has done a variety of different things around the world to help take the gospel to all nations.
Billy Pruitt, Interim Music Director

Pat Rickenbrode, Financial Secretary
Pat came to work for First Baptist in September of 1987. She has filled numerous positions at FBC during this time. She feels she has been called to serve at FBC and enjoys assisting the church in reaching its calling and mission of spreading the gospel in our community. Pat was married to her late husband, Randy, for nearly 45 years. She has two sons, Timothy and Phillip, three wonderful grandsons, and two beautiful granddaughters.