
See Site Map

Where do I park?

There is a large parking area to the right of the sanctuary (west side) and a smaller area on the left or east side. 

Where do I enter the sanctuary?

The main sanctuary entrance faces Roundbunch Road.  There are side entrances from both the right-side (west) and left-side (east) parking areas. 

Where is the nursery? (See the Site Map above)

The nursery is in the secure children's educational wing at the rear of the sanctuary.

What if I want to attend Bible Study?

Guests are always welcome to attend Bible Study.  The Welcome Center  (see Site Map) can assist you in selecting and locating a Bible Study class to visit.  There are Bible Study classes for all ages, open classes for any age, and a ladies class for women only. 

What do I wear?

"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.' " 1 Samuel 16:7

At First Baptist Church you will see a variety of dress.  Some women wear dresses or slacks and some wear jeans or capris, T-shirts, and sandals.  Some men wear dress shirts and ties, some wear khakis and sports shirts, and some wear jeans and T-shirts. We do not want anyone to not visit or not attend for lack of "church clothes".  

What can I expect at the 10:30 am Sunday Worship Service?

At the 10:30 am Worship Service, you will find friendly faces and be welcomed.  The Worship in Song music service, led by the First Baptist Worship Team, consists of contemporary Christian worship music as well as traditional songs accompanied by keyboards, guitars, drums, and other musical instruments.  The singing is led by a Music Director and Praise Team or a Choir.  Some worshipers remain standing during Worship in Song and others sit.  All worshipers are free to sit or stand depending on each one's own personal conviction.  Following Worship in Song, children 4 yrs old to 2nd Grade are dismissed to Children's Church, and  a sound, scripture-based message is presented.

How will I be welcomed as a guest?

First Baptist Church wants all guests to feel very welcome and comfortable.  Guests are NOT asked to stand while members remain sitting, are NOT asked to remain sitting while members stand, and are not singled out in any way.

Guests may register their visit with a Guest Card which may be placed in the offering plate, but the card is entirely optional.