Music & Media

Worship Choir Vocals  

The Worship Choir are those committed to leading worship in song during the Sunday Worship Service, special services, and other events. The Worship Choir rehearses Sunday mornings at 8:30 am and other times as scheduled. Worship Choir vocals may also practice Wednesday evenings after the mid-week service with the rest of the Worship Team.  The abilities to read music and sing harmony by ear are helpful skills, but not required.  Contact Billy Pruitt, Interim Music Director, via email to if you are interested in singing with the Worship Choir.

Children's Choir  

The Children's Choir, when in session, meets Wednesday's at 6:30 pm in the Children's Choir Room -- ages are kindergarten through 5th grade.

Instrumental Music

Worship Team Band

The Worship Team Band is composed of instrumentalists committed to leading worship during the Sunday Worship Service and special events. The Band rehearses Wednesday evenings after the mid-week service (@ 7:30 pm) and Sunday mornings with the rest of the Team at 8:30 am.   Contact Billy Pruitt, Interim Music Director, via email to if you are interested in being part of the Worship Team Band.

Sound and Media

The Sound and Media Teams are the behind-the-scenes heroes of the Music and Media Ministry.  Contact Billy Pruitt via email to if you are interested in serving in Sound and Media.  

Media Team

The Media Team prepares and projects Worship Service visual media for the Sunday Worship Service, the Mid-Week Service, and other services as requested.

Sound Team

The Sound Team operates the sound system for the Sunday Worship Service, the Mid-Week Service, and other services as requested. 

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