

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of working out at the 1st Saturday that the Ladies Prayer Group sponsors each month to give away items to our community. This is another outreach of our church that God truly pours His blessings out on.  We are truly blessed as a church.

Since school is out there are many kids at home for the summer and the ladies decided to give away grocery bags full of foods that children can fix for themselves.  We had 125 bags ready to go.

We always start out with a prayer just before 10:00 a.m. Usually there is a long line of cars there that have been waiting since around 9 a.m. or so. This last Saturday was different as there were only 3 cars there and at 10:00 a.m. there was only the same three cars.

We served these in line, but no other cars were stopping by.  Julia, one of our prayer warriors, called all of us back together and said “We are going to pray again”.  I could see by the look on her face that this was very near to her heart as she prayed for God to send the ones that all of this food had been gathered for.  We stormed the throne of heaven.

A little while later cars started coming in and it was a steady stream until noon.  By the last car all we had left to give was some water and a loaf of bread.  They were thankful to get it.

There are so many things that go on during these two hours of giving.  Yes, we give the tangible things away, but more times than not, these people are needing prayer and just to know that someone cares.

I can’t count the times we have asked the driver of the car if they would like us to pray for them they will say a very quiet yes.  But, when we ask them if they have a specific need, that’s usually when the flood will start, the tears or the words of pain or worry that is binding on their hearts.  

Sometimes we can identify with the prayer needs of these people and sometimes we just listen and pray for them where they are.  We show love, we show Jesus.

We give away Bibles and tracts, etc.  This includes children’s Bibles which go very quickly.  One Saturday there was a couple of younger people who drove up specifically asking for a Bible.  That is a blessing in itself, handing the Word of God to someone who may have never read it.

One instance has always stood out to me.  There was a family that stopped by and we asked if they wanted a Bible.  The dad said they would take a children’s Bible.  He handed it to his little boy in the back seat and said, “There, you’ve been asking about God, now you can read about Him.” 

I don’t know, these things touch my heart in a big way.  I feel the Holy Spirit working in our church as we reach out to the community.    

I am thankful to be used in a small way in the Kingdom work of God.

If you get a chance, come help at one of these 1st Saturdays.  You will receive a blessing and you certainly will be giving a blessing.

Give them Jesus,
All for His glory,

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