


Do you ever hear God’s voice?  I know I do.  Sometimes it’s a whisper.

When I lay down at night, sleep doesn’t always come easily.  My brain won’t shut off.  I go back over the day and pick it apart.  I will admit that Sunday night is the best. I have many wonderful things to think about since we have been in the house of the Lord that day.

Now I realize that every day is the “day that the Lord has made” but there is just something about God’s people coming together to worship.  For one thing, we are commanded to come together.  “Not neglecting to meet together . . . but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”  Hebrews 10:15.  

So, when my brain is on overdrive at night, I can think of the encouragement from fellow believers, as we sing to the Lord and as we fellowship with each other.

In the quiet of the morning sometimes I hear His voice.  Stop worrying, stop overthinking, I’ve got this. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life . . .” Matthew 6:25

I heard God’s voice very recently from the lips of my granddaughter.  It was such a quiet statement that she made, that I honestly didn’t realize it until I thought back on it later.  

I was visiting with my two oldest granddaughters this past weekend.  It had been quite a while since I had seen them and there have been some relational issues over the past couple of years.  When the grandkids are very small it seems so easy to entertain them and be with them.  When they get older and start getting minds of their own, things can change.  Your love doesn’t change, but sometimes the relationship does.  

As I was getting ready to leave they asked what I was doing that evening and I said I have choir practice scheduled.  They said you always have choir practice Grandma.  My oldest granddaughter said very quietly, “Keep going Grandma.”

I always look for a scripture to remind me to trust the words I heard were from God.  2 Chronicles 15:7 “be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak; for your work shall be rewarded.”  

I am so thankful I got to spend the quality time with my girls and thankful that God speaks through many ways. I needed that encouraging word from the Lord.   

God bless you all!

For His glory,

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