

At our prayer meeting this past Sunday evening, we were asked when we pray, who do we pray to?  Well, we pray to God of course.  I realized we can get much more specific than that. 

Many spoke to this at the prayer meeting.  Some said the Almighty, some the Triune (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), some Abba Father, etc.  I thought about this throughout the evening and when I woke up this morning I know that for me it’s my Lord, “Adoni” and my Savior.  

Psalm 16:2, “I said to the Lord, You are my Master!  Every good thing I have comes from you.”
Isaiah 12:2, “God is my savior; I will trust him and not be afraid.  The Lord gives me power and strength; he is my savior.”

I think back to my salvation and I always call it “radical”.  Maybe everyone feels the same way.  I know I wasn’t an extremely horrible person. But, I was raised knowing who God is, but not truly understanding the grace or the personal relationship we could have with him.  

The truth of it took me over and excited me beyond anything else I had ever experienced in my life.  

I am thankful I attended the prayer meeting and for the question that made me go back in my mind to the joy I felt 28 years ago when I gave it all over to God.  

Psalm 51:12, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me”.

If you didn’t get to attend the prayer meeting, you missed a blessing of the body of Christ gathering and praying our hearts.  I hope you get attend next month.

It’s all for His glory,

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