I the Lord will make it happen.” Isaiah 60:22
I’ve heard this Scripture many times through the years, and I find myself not wanting to quote it. I just saw it again on social media and decided to read it out loud as a prayer. There is nothing confusing about it. It says what it says.
I think the reason I may sometimes avoid it is because it takes every bit of control out of our hands and puts it in God’s. Even being a strong believer in Jesus Christ doesn’t take away the doubts and worries that sometimes arise when the desires of our hearts don’t seem to be attainable.
Most of the time our desires have more to do with our wanting to see changes in the lives of those closest to us, those we love so much. These are what most of my prayers consist of.
Sometimes it seems that I am at the end of my rope of praying and then a little hint of hope comes to me. I know that God is saying it’s not time yet, I know best. If it happens before God’s timing it would probably be disastrous, “causing great damage or be highly unsuccessful.”
I want the best for my family and friends, and I want the best for myself. The best of anything that we will ever have in life is if whatever it is, is in God’s perfect will and timing.
So once again, I remind myself that God knows best. He knows the when, the where, and the how. He knows why sometimes the answer is no or why He sometimes makes us wait.
I do know for a fact that there are blessings in waiting. It’s taken me awhile to realize that. I know that I may never see the answer that I’m looking for, but I trust God that even if I never live to see the results of some of my prayers, I know He will answer, and I know it will be the best for everyone concerned.
Above all, everything that happens in life,
Is all for His glory,