
BK's Korner, 1/30/2023

If God is sovereign, then why should I pray?  I mean, if God is going to accomplish His purposes no matter what then what is the purpose of praying?  Matthew 6:8 says, “…. your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” If he already knows what’s going on with me, then why pray? If He is sovereign and knows everything already then why would He say in verse 6, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,….”?

A couple of thoughts about that.  One is that if He is sovereign and all-knowing then why not talk to Him about what’s going on? You see, He knows everything.  He knows what is going to happen.  He knows what is coming in my life.  Certainly I should talk to Him.

Another thought is this.  Maybe, just maybe, us telling God what is going on isn’t really the purpose of prayer.  Maybe God wants us to spend time with Him.  Maybe it is through praying in our room with the door closed that God will actually come to us.  Give us peace. Give us assurance, guidance, teach us about Himself.  Possibly it is through prayer that we will come into that close and real relationship with God.  Maybe there, with the door closed, we will really begin to know God. Remember a relationship must have time spent together.  Maybe that is what prayer is really about. So, go into your room. Shut your door, and pray.  Pray to your Father in heaven. 

Important note.  The Missions Committee is desiring to have an event on April 1.  The event will be for the community.  It will feature an egg hunt for the kids.  We would also like to have food, and possibly some other things for families to enjoy.  Of course, we need your help.  We will be having an informational/organizational meeting this coming Sunday afternoon at 3 pm.  Please come and find out how you can help us.  Plug in somewhere to help us out. 

Pray that we will Glorify God by Going with the Gospel and Gathering in the power of Spirit. 
Love you all

Glorifying, Going, Gathering.

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