
BK's Korner, 3/28/2022

“Restore us, O God;
Cause Your face to shine (upon us),
And we shall be saved!”
                                               Psalm 80:3

It seems as though every time I preach lately I am giving you something else to pray about concerning our church or community. I don’t want us to forget the previous requests but instead add to them.  Please revisit Isaiah 2:2-3 for prayer as well.
Pray that:
   God will exalt His church and cause people to flow to
   People hungry to hear His word.
   People desiring to walk in His ways.
   The word of God would always go out from this place
in truth.

Last night at our Bible study I shared that we have been approached about helping out in a Soup Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church in Orange.  I have had a really good response.  Therefore I will be getting more information today or tomorrow.  If you would be interested in helping our church, one day a month feed a hot meal to the needy then please stay tuned for more information.   I should have some in the coming days.  It looks like the day needing help is the last Tuesday of each month.  So far, you all have shown great interest. 

Just pray for us.  Pray for the church’s leadership. Pray that we would simply be open to God having His way. Pray that we would have the faith to adjust our lives to Him so that we can experience Him as He accomplishes His will through us.

Please be sure to come to our Sunday School emphasis on Sunday April 10.  Come to the gym for breakfast.  See your Sunday School class for what to bring.  After breakfast all adult classes will stay in the Family Life Center and be taught a Sunday School lesson by Mark Mannino. Bring a friend.  This is a great way to introduce people to our church. 

You do not want to miss our production of “More Than Just a Man” this coming weekend.  Saturday’s performance is at 2 pm and Sunday’s will be at 6 pm. 

On Thursday, April 14 at 7 pm, BCISD Superintendent Dr. Mike Kelly will be here at our church to discuss the upcoming Bond vote.  It is simply an informational meeting and he will do a Q&A.  It is a good chance to come and see what is actually being proposed so that you can make an informed decision.

God Bless you all. We are in exciting times here at THE FBC.
Now go out there and Faith The Day

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