
BK's Korner, 4/29/2024

Today I want to reiterate and emphasize something from my sermon yesterday. Joshua 14:10-12 really spoke to me as I studied this passage.  At 85 years old Joshua came and asked for the land that had giants!  He asked for it! He asked to have to fight giants.  I thought about how I ask for the easy way.  When I ask God for something I want Him to make it smooth. I ask to avoid the giants. Yet at 85 years old Joshua basically said, “Bring it on.” He had a great faith in the Lord.  He knew it would take God’s help to defeat the Anakim.  He wanted to be in a position to experience God in a great victory. I wonder if I’ve ever prayed myself out of some great victories? I want to have the faith of Joshua. A faith that is bold and courageous.  A faith that is willing to risk hardship in order to be used by God. 

I firmly believe that yesterday we saw some fruit of our prayers. Continue to pray. Continue to pray that God would draw people to Himself and that He would use us to bring His gospel to those who are to be saved. Also, pray for those who make decisions. They need it now more than before.  I wonder if someone reading this would make a commitment to pray for everyone who makes a decision in our church for this year?  You could simply write their names on a list and call their name out to God daily. Ask God to bless them, use them, and draw them closer to Him.

I hope everyone stayed safe from that rain we had this morning. God soaked our ground so our trees and gardens can grow. I pray that he would water the seeds of His gospel that have been planted in people so that it can produce the fruit of salvation in their lives.

Pray for our Church and Community.
Pray for the Sick.
Pray for the lost.
Pray for your One.
Pray for God to Use You.
The Pumpkins are Coming!

Love and Blessings
BK ><>

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