
BK's Korner, 5/23/2022


Every Sunday I just anticipate that God is going to show up and do something. Every Sunday.  I can almost feel it in the air.  I hope that you are continuing to pray for our church and community.  Pray that God’s Word is going out from this place in truth. Pray that God will plant a hunger for His word among the people in our community.  Pray that they will be drawn to people and places where they can hear that Word.  Pray for their desire to walk in His ways and bring glory to Him.   Continue to speak God’s blessing on our Community ( Numbers 6:24-27). As verse 27 says, let’s put God’s name on the people here in our community so that He will bless them.  Pray for our church and our community.  Pray for the Worship Service each week. Pray that each week there would be nothing that would hinder the working of the Holy Spirit. 

I want to say congratulations to our graduating Seniors.  I know it is a time in their life that is filled with excitement.  They are ready to move on to the next phase. Pray for them as well that God would bless them and keep them close to Himself.

I am also reminded of the people in our church who serve in our own and even other school districts in the area.  We have coaches, Principals, administrators and teachers at all levels here in our church.  Most of them view it as their ministry and not just a job. That means that we know that there is a righteous influence in our school system.  We know that there is prayer.  We know that there are people there who care about the lives of those kids and are not just there “doing a job”. I also know for a fact that the gospel is shared with students when the opportunity arises.  The school system is a vital part of our community. If we, as a church,  abandon that part of our community (the school system) then our community will likely be godless in just a few years.  You see, if we don’t reach people with the gospel before they graduate high school then the percentage of them that will receive Christ drops dramatically. 

Pray pray pray and then we need to pray some more.  Let’s unleash the working of the Holy Spirit on our community and upon our church!

Blessings to you all



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