
BK's Korner, 5/8/2023

Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” You know what our failure is in regard to this verse? It is simple really. We fail to ask. We are not seeking God’s direction or heart on the issue. We don’t knock on the door of heaven.

You see, we think we can handle just about anything that comes our way. We feel like we have all the tools at our disposal to handle the daily issues of life.  We can think, rationalize, and make good decisions.  We have resources to handle problems, so we really don’t need to ask, seek or knock. 

Another reason is we are just so preoccupied with life that we just do not think about asking, seeking and knocking. There are so many decisions to make on a daily basis.  So many issues that need our attention. We are so caught up with the things of the world that we just try to handle them in our own strength without seeking our Heavenly Father. 

The answer to this is to begin to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. Like Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “pray without ceasing….” This means that we should always be in an attitude of prayer.  Our heart should always be communicating with God.  We should be talking to God constantly throughout the day. We should be drawing near to God no matter if we are in church or out playing golf. We should be talking to God at all times and in every situation.

Then we can expect the promises of, it will be given to us, we will find, and the door will be opened. So, pray always. Ask always. Seek always. Knock always.  Then expect to see God move.

Who’s Your One? Continue to pray for them.  Pray for our community. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for your workplace. Pray for our schools.  Pray for the sick. Pray for those who are hurting. Pray for your Sunday School teacher, our deacons, your pastor, pray for everyone! Intercede. This is the next step for us to take. 

The Bible tells us to draw near to God and He will draw near to us.  We draw near to Him through prayer. So, draw near to Him this week.

Everyone have a great week. Love you all.

Blessings to you
BK ><>  Colossians 4:2

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