BK's Korner, 7/17/2023
There are three things that I want to drive home for you today. Three things that I think are very important and want you to remember.
ONE: It is time to get off the driveway, get out of our recliner and get on our knees and on our feet. It is time to move forward. Time to pray intentionally and intensely for our church and community. Time to pray for a mighty move of God. It is also time for us to move forward. Stop being complacent about our relationship with God and our serving Him.
TWO: We are doing a church wide directory. What we need from you is a picture. Please email a picture of yourself/family to Pat at pat@fbcbc.org. We need your picture no later than the end of August. Again, I stress that we need you to please email your picture Pat. We can try to have the directory available by the end of September.
THREE: We are having Christmas in July. We are collecting toys in the month of July to give away in December. These are toys that will be given away with the clothes that we buy for the Angel Tree. Please try to remind yourself to pick up a toy and bring it to church. When I said to wear your Christmas Clothes every Sunday the rest of this month I was just looking for a way to remind you to bring a toy!
Again, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who made VBS the success that it was. You did that. VBS is the perfect example of the way the Body should work. Each one doing their part. It all comes together and we accomplish God’s purpose. Thank you. Thank you all.
Here are few upcoming events that you will want to be aware of.
Sunday July 30 at 5:30 pm – Night of Worship
Saturday August 19 at 5 pm – The Hoppers in Concert.
Friday August 25 - Breakfast of Champions
Saturday September 23 at 9 am – Pumpkins Arrive!
If you are on Facebook and check out my daily videos, I have been talking about how to find Joy. I hope that you can find some in your life. Hint, it is in your relationship with God. Find Him and you will find Joy.
Continue to Pray for your One
Glorify, Go, Gather, Grow.
Thank you to all who Worked VBS.
Memorize a verse of scripture this week.
Blessings to you all
BK ><>