
BK's Korner, 7/18/2022

First of all I want to again say “Thank You” to everyone who had any part in our VBS.  It was a huge success. Average attendance for kids was 88.  Average total attendance was over 150.  That means we had many helpers here everyday. You are to be commended for your willingness to help.  We raised over $900.  This year our money is going through World Vision to buy chickens for people in poverty in other countries.  The chickens will provide a source of income and food to these families.  We bought 188 chickens.  There were six kids who responded to a gospel presentation and prayed to ask Christ into their lives.

I’d like to talk to you about something a little more serious.  As you probably know our economy is in a difficult cycle right now.  Last week’s inflation print was 9.1%.  When we enter these kind of situations the first thing people do to save money is stop their charitable giving.  That means us.  So not only is everything more expensive but now our monthly revenue will likely be affected as well.

You couple that with the fact that our church is in a situation where we are beginning to be much more active.  We are growing and increasing our ministries.  This costs money.  So …. That is basically saying our situation is this: decreasing revenue and increasing expenses.  That can’t go on for long.  

A church has no control over it’s revenues. That is totally dependent upon the generosity of it’s members.  As a result our only recourse to address this issue is to look at and find where we can cut expenses. There is one expense we can possibly cut that would save us $1000 a month.  

Several years ago we took out a line of credit to fix the gutters around the church to stop the water damage inside (which appears to have worked by the way).  Anyhow, we pay $1000 a month on that note.  It is now down pretty low and with a little help I think we could pay it off.  Therefore if you can possibly give a one time gift toward “debt retirement”.  It would go a long way in helping our monthly finances. Maybe you have a little extra and have been wondering how you might use it. This could be it.  I will be talking to the Finance Committee in our August meeting about
how we might be able to pay this note off.  Any help that we can get up to that point would be awesome.  So just pray about it and consider it, that is all I am asking.

I do want to be clear. I AM NOT in panic mode about our finances and you shouldn’t be either.  God’s church will never be shut down because of money.  I stand on that. The God who took five loaves and two fish and fed 5000 people can take care of your family and this church!  

We will Faith this Time together!  God bless you all.
Love you


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