BK's Korner, 8/14/2023
BK's Korner
My Pecan tree is dropping its leaves. In one way this is not unusual. The Pecan tree drops its leaves every year. However, this year it seems to be dropping its leaves a little early. I cannot ever remember it dropping leaves in August. It is usually more into the fall season. I am certainly not a tree expert, but in my humble opinion I believe it is just too dry. Therefore, I think it is dropping its leaves because of a lack of water.
Yesterday as I was looking at those leaves all over my yard and driveway, I thought of Psalm chapter 1. Psalm 1 describes a man who takes delight in God’s Word. The man who spends time reading God’s word and meditating on it. This man is allowing God’s Word to change his life and heart. The Psalm says that this man “… shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season, whose leaf does not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.”
You see, if my Pecan tree had water its leaves would not be withering and dying. They would be lush and green. The same is true for my spiritual life. If I am not planting myself in God’s Word then spiritually I am going to begin to die. My walk with God will not be strong and healthy. The spiritual things of my life will begin to wither and die. God’s Word is to my spiritual life as water is to a tree. If I want to be strong and healthy spiritually then God’s Word must be my source for its nutrition.
So be like a tree planted by a river. Plant yourself in God’s Word and allow Him to nourish and grow you spiritually.
If you like Gospel Music then you will certainly want to attend The Hoppers in concert this Saturday evening. Doors open at 5 pm. Seating is limited. Love offering taken.
I’m sure you have noticed the time for Breakfast of Champions is about an hour earlier this year. This is due to the fact that the High School is starting their day at 7:15 am this year.
If you have not already done so, please send Ms. Pat a picture for our Church Directory. We want to have all of the pictures by the end of August. We will then begin to put it all together and hopefully have printed copies available by the end of September.
Please mark Saturday September 23 at 9 am on your calendars. That is the time that the Pumpkins will be arriving. We will need everyone to help unload pumpkins. We will also need some help setting up the patch and getting it ready on Saturday September 16.
Walk with God. Pray for your One. Pray for our community. Pray for our church. Pray.
Glorify. Go. Gather. Grow.
BK ><>