BK's Korner, 8/7/2023
Well, I write about the same subject every August. This year is no different. The season kind of sneaks up on me. Then while looking at the TV guide to find something to watch, I see it. Every August. It is the Little League World Series. I love it. It is a bunch of kids playing a game for no other reason than they love the game. They are having fun.
I cannot even begin to imagine what kind of experience this is for these kids. They get to play on a “Big Stage”. They will be seen on National Television. Many of them will become heroes of sorts. They will meet and play against other kids from all over the world. It is definitely an experience they will never forget. It is an actual experience for them. They will be participating in everything the Little League World Series has to offer.
Yesterday I tried to make this exact point in my sermon about our (your) Christianity. Christianity is meant to “lived”, not studied, believed, or talked about. Now, all three of those things do have their place in our Christian walk, however if we never actually live out our Christianity, we will just be spectators and not get the full experience. We must actually make the Bible a guide for our lives. It must become the filter through which every belief passes. We must actually surrender ourselves to God and seek to allow Him to guide and use us.
We will only experience God when our faith becomes something we live out. It must be more than a system of beliefs. It must be a system of beliefs which changes the way we live. If it isn’t, then we will not have any experiences. We will simply be spectators. So, come! Let’s get in the race and start running.
Make plans to attend the Hoppers in concert here at our church. Make plans to help unload pumpkins. Also get ready to help out in the Pumpkin Patch. This is once again an opportunity to make contact with our community while at the same time raising money to support our mission efforts.
Once again I ask you to join me in praying that God would use our Church to reach people with the Gospel. My sincere prayer is that people would be saved as a result of the ministry of this church. Let us together entreat God about this request.
Have a Great Week. See you Sunday.
Who’s Your One?
Glorifying, Going, Gathering, Growing.
BK ><>