BK's Korner, 9/11/2023
BK's Korner
It is hard to believe that it is already Pumpkin Patch season again. However, it is here. This coming Saturday at 8 am we will begin setting up the Pumpkin Patch. Please come out and help if you can. Please make every effort to be here on Saturday, September 23 at 9 am to unload the Pumpkin Truck. You can keep in touch on Facebook to get updates on whether or not the truck has arrived on that Saturday morning. We will definitely need all hands on deck to get this truck unloaded. Work carefully and smart. Do not allow yourself to get overheated.
I know we are all ready for some cooler temperatures and some rain. It is going to be so refreshing when that happens. The ground will be refreshed as it soaks in the falling rainwater. We will feel refreshed when we can go out and feel a cool breeze blowing. Hopefully we will not have to wait much longer.
Did you know that you can experience a refreshing time in your soul and spirit? How does this happen? It happens when you respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When you repent and Christ makes you into a new creation. That will bring a true time of refreshing in to your life. In Acts 3:19, while preaching, Peter said, “Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…”
Only God can give true spiritual refreshment. We will only experience it when our sins are removed from us. He provided for that with the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son. What we do is come in faith and repentance. Refreshment. Renew and refresh today.
The fall is a busy season in church life. We have our Pumpkin Patch, Fall Festival, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Please pray that God would glorify Himself in everything we do. I pray that people could always see Jesus in us. May our lives show our community that God is real and that He is active in our lives. May they see that He answers our prayers, helps us overcome hardships, and fills us with Joy. May our lives show that God is the Holy One. That He is worthy of all of our time and energies. That doing anything in His name is not a waste. May we show them that He is our Savior. May they know that He delivers us from sin and it’s penalty and power.
Let us truly be Bridge Builders. Let us build a bridge between our families, friends and neighbors to God Himself.
Hope you all have a great week.
Glorify, Go, Gather, Grow.
Pray for your One.
Love and Blessings
BK ><>