
BK's Korner, 9/19/2022

I hope you enjoyed Gay Fountain Sunday evening.  She really did a great job and we were blessed by her music. She sang a song last night that reminded me of something we did as kids and also a Bible verse.  The song she sang was George The Caterpillar. The song talked about the transformation of a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

I remember one time as kids there was a bunch of bushes near a field where we played.  One time we found a bunch of caterpillars eating the leaves of those bushes. On closer inspection we also found a lot of cocoons.  We took some of the small branches and leaves that had cocoons on them and put them in a jar.  Sure enough one morning I woke up and inside that jar was a beautiful butterfly!

The transformation that takes place when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly is called, metamorphosis. The Greek word from which our English word is derived is actually used in the Bible.  It is found in Romans 12:2 which says, 
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

In that verse the word “transformed” is the word for metamorphosis.  It is describing a change that takes place that is so comprehensive that there is a completely new creation.  That is what happens when we come to Christ.  Jesus actually said it is being “born again”.  Paul says it is becoming a “new creation”. When the Spirit of God indwells us and we are born into His kingdom, then there is no escaping the fact that we will be transformed.

It is only after this transformation that we can then be rightly related to God in such a way that we will know what His will is. Be transformed by changing our mind. Set the direction of your life toward God.  Being surrendered to Him. Verse one in Romans 12 talks about us putting our lives on God’s altar as a sacrifice.  That is what it takes to have the mind renewed and our lives transformed. Amen.

In closing, don’t forget: Pumpkins coming on Saturday, Soup Kitchen, and the Who’s Your One conference. 

Love and Blessings to you all. Pray for our church and community. God is moving.

BK ><>

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