
BK's Korner, 1/17/2023

Sometimes we have the wrong focus when we pray. We are so worried that we “are not doing it right.”  We worry that we don’t use the correct format in our prayers. Maybe we don’t think we have a good enough vocabulary or we are not eloquent enough or we don’t know enough scripture to pray.  Honestly none of that is the point in prayer.  Read Matthew 6:5-15.  Jesus clearly says you are not heard because of the lofty words that you use. You are not heard because you pray long eloquent prayers.  You are heard because you enter in to relationship and conversation with God.

You know, the purpose of prayer is not get God to move in our lives.  It is not so that we can have all of our requests answered in the way that we desire.  The true purpose of prayer is for God to be glorified.  That is why Jesus would say in John 14:3, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified.”

I believe that is why in the model prayer of Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus taught us to pray for God’s kingdom to come and for God’s will to be done on earth like it is in heaven. Until we approach prayer with the intent for God to glorify Himself we will never really learn to pray. We will never really understand God’s agenda so long as ours keeps taking priority.  

So, treat prayer as your relationship with God. Don’t worry about the words, the length, the eloquence. Worry about getting in touch with Him and being in His presence.

On another note. The Missions Committee is planning a Spring event for our community.  We will be having an Easter Egg hunt.  We want to ask you to help us by providing plastic eggs filled with candy or small trinkets.  You may bring them any time you like.

We are also collecting cans of soup for the Ministerial Alliance.  We will do this through February 12.  That is Super Bowl Sunday so we are making it Souper Bowl Sunday.

Article is short, but I need to go help take out the flooring in the Education building. Love you all.

Glorifying by Going and Gathering
BK ><>

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