The Gospel Fuel
We continued our series through Philippians, “The Joy of the Gospel”, by focusing on the text Phil. 2:1-11. Paul is encouraging the people to allow the Gospel to work its full affect in them by shifting their desires and changing their behaviors. Personal concerns and petty disputes are driven by selfishness and the Gospel runs counter to self. People who are Gospel saturated begin to value others above oneself and are not jockeying for position or recognition. Humble servants are easily forgotten about and rarely recognized. Paul points the people to Christ and the reality of how He humbled himself by leaving Heaven and the full glory of His position. Christ lowered himself to the position of being a man and walking through corrupted Creation without sin. In His perfection through obedience to the Father, He went to the Cross bearing the corruption and sin of each one of us. Christ died in agony for sins He did not commit and suffered humiliation He did not deserve. He became the scourge of God so we might become the pristine treasure of the Father. Many a person cares not for what Christ has done. People see humility as weakness and something to avoid. Christ demonstrated that humility is the fuel for the Gospel. How is your Gospel fuel level? Are you being propelled by Gospel fuel?