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It's a Dog Eat Dog World

The “Tell Me a Story” sermon series continues Sunday with Jesus’ Parable of The Talents. The master gives three servants his resources to be used and conduct his business while he is away. Two of the servants stay busy doing the work needed and through their obedience produce a profit for the master. One decides to play it safe and not risk what has been released to him to use and hides it away till the master returns. The two productive servants are praised and rewarded for their obedience. The other servant attempts to excuse his behavior and tries to simply return what had been given. The master condemns the servant and sends him to his rightful due, a harsh punishment. Jesus is highlighting the idea of faithfulness. Two servants are faithful and one is not. The difference is obedience. The difference putting to use what the Master, God, has given for the benefit of the Master. We all have a way to contribute to the work God is doing within this church and this world. Are you investing or hiding? 

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