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Refuge for the Soul

Sunday our sermon series “Songs for the Soul” continued by looking at Psalm 2. Our tendency, and our modern Christianity, follows the prevalent cultural view of God as a benevolent grandfather figure who only wants to spoil us. The writer of the psalm displays a different image of the Lord and his Anointed One, the Son. The warning to everyone is to not contend against the Lord because his victory is certain along with the destruction of those who oppose him. God laughs at the folly of those who resist his rightful rule. Every person born deserves only one action from this great God and it is their own destruction as God pours out his just and holy wrath upon all, us who are sinners and rebels against God. But this all-powerful God, who rightfully can destroy all of humanity, provides a place of refuge for the treasonous creatures called humans. He provides the Son. “Kiss the Son” cries the psalmist. Divert God’s wrath from yourself. Take refuge in the gift God has given, the Son. For this is the essence of being “blessed” by God. Are you “blessed” by God? Have you “Kissed the Son?”

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