The Necessity of the Resurrection
This Sunday, we continued our series, “All in the Family”, by looking at Part 1 of the text 1 Corinthians15:12-34. Paul has proclaimed how the resurrection of Christ brings power demonstrated in transformed people and people’s lives. He begins to counter the fallacious belief about the lack of a resurrection or the necessity of it perpetrated by the arrogant Corinthians. Christ is the “firstfruits” of the resurrection displaying the promise and hope for all who believe. The most terrifying thought Paul shares without the resurrection “your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (v.17) We who claim to have experienced the power of Christ’s resurrection, veiled with the hope of our own, are not to be still caught in our sins. Our faith is the means for the transforming work of eradicating sin and growing in Christ. Is your faith futile? Are you still locked in sin? Have you experienced the resurrection?